
Double Double Toil & Trouble

There is definitely a learning curve to figuring out how to take care of two babies at one time --with minimal crying.  I feel like we are playing musical babies all day.  Hank is sleeping great at night still but wants to be held most of the day. Jackson is sleeping through the night most nights of the week but is putting up quite a fight when it comes to napping.  He still desperately needs a nap during the day, so I'm having a Mexican stand off with him about it.  He is such a sweet and cute little boy though and hugs his brother often.  He says "awe baby" when he hugs and he talks to Hank.  I really need to catch it on video.  Jackson is a finiky eater now and decides he loves something one minute and hates it the next so I'm constantly in need of various types of produce and whatnots from the grocery store--I cant seem to get it together.  Im about to get really good at freezing some things for him.  Jackson is catching on to the fact that Hank is here to stay and will get a little agressive toward him in the afternoon when he is tired and wants mommy all to himself.  With years of training in child psych behind me, you would think I would know just what to do.  When it comes to your own kids, oh my, you lose the perspective you have with other people's kids.  I remember before we had children, Steven and I would see a toddler pitching a fit in public or making a mess in a resturaunt and would wonder why the parents didn't "get a grip" on the situation.  Just look at us now!

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